Balluff Human Machine Interface

Balluff Human Machine Interface

User-friendly display of information

With our signaling and display devices, you know at all times what where things stand with production and where exactly a tool is located. You can reliably monitor the state of machines and systems and display the sensor output signals.

Our displays and our LED signal SmartLight display physical sizes. In this way, you recognize the operating state of your machine at a glance.

In the displays, you can select between different input signals (analog, SSI, pulse). The visualization is done via LED-7 segment displays that can be set depending on the application.

The SmartLight represents courses and tendencies. Through your IO-Link interface, it is easy to install and configure. Without mechanical modification, their different colors and modes are individually assigned.


Key benefits

  • Flexible
  • Easy to install

Digital display devices for any application

Digital display devices

The dis­plays from Bal­luff are suit­able for con­trol cab­i­net in­stal­la­tion. You can se­lect be­tween ana­log value dis­play, axial dis­plays, dis­play mod­ules and cam mech­a­nisms. The dec­i­mal po­si­tion, the zero point and the com­bi­na­tion of in­puts and out­puts can be set via the func­tion keys on the front side de­pend­ing on the ap­pli­ca­tion.

The fea­tures

  • Dis­play mod­ules: SSI in­ter­face or dig­i­tal pulse in­ter­face
  • Axial dis­plays: one or two axes can be dis­played, dif­fer­ent input fre­quen­cies
  • Cam mech­a­nism: In­te­grated en­coder power sup­ply

IO-Link SmartLight. One light. Three functions. Unlimited use

IO-Link SmartLight

With a travel mea­sure­ment sys­tem, the LED sig­nal col­umn with IO-Link in­ter­face sig­nals op­er­at­ing states – like tem­per­a­ture states, fill lev­els of sys­tems or else the po­si­tion of a slot – with a flex­i­ble color spec­trum via multi-color LEDs. You can in­di­vid­u­ally de­fine the col­ors and have de­ci­sive to crit­i­cal ma­chine states dis­played. Ten­den­cies, de­vel­op­ments and trends of phys­i­cal sizes can be read based on the color scale.

The fea­tures

  • Easy to in­stall
  • Up to 20 sep­a­rately con­trol­lable LED cir­cuits
  • Highly flex­i­ble be­cause mod­i­fi­able dur­ing the ma­chine op­er­a­tion – no me­chan­i­cal mod­i­fi­ca­tion
  • Op­tional with in­te­grated sound mod­ule for acoustic in­struc­tions

79 Ratio Agency