Balluff Machine Vision

Balluff Machine Vision

Exact quality test with image processing

Vision solutions from Balluff meet the increasing requirements for maximum quality and great flexibility in modern production plants. They do this by using industrial image processing.

They provide reliable error detection and thereby ensure an exact quality control. All functions can be flexibly combined.

The most important benefits

  • High efficiency through cost reduction, because a sensor assumes various functions
  • Reduced scrap and downtime thanks to early defect detection
  • Simple changing of the inspection task for changing lots means high system availability

Product families

Handle a variety of testing tasks with only one vision sensor

BVS-E Standard vision sensor

With our BVS E stan­dard vi­sion sen­sors, you con­trol the quan­tity of your pro­duc­tion process in a cost-con­scious and pre­cise man­ner. You can use a total of seven test­ing tools that can be em­ployed in­de­pen­dently of each other and si­mul­ta­ne­ously check mul­ti­ple prod­uct fea­tures. Up to twenty stor­able in­spec­tions can eas­ily be ac­ti­vated via the PLC. In this way, pro­duc­tion can be seam­lessly con­tin­ued, even with chang­ing work­pieces. BVS-E stan­dard is suit­able for sim­ple tasks in error de­tec­tion.

The fea­tures

  • Cost sav­ings by use of a vi­sion sen­sor for mul­ti­ple tasks
  • Early fault de­tec­tion en­sures 100 % qual­ity
  • Sim­ple chang­ing of the in­spec­tion task for chang­ing lots means high sys­tem avail­abil­ity
BVS E Standard
In the most basic and economical standard version, the vision sensor offers 20 inspection memory slots and a free choice between seven independent tools that can be freely rotated.

An all-rounder with a wide range of applications

BVS-E Universal vision sensor

Our ver­sa­tile BVS E Uni­ver­sal vi­sion sen­sor has es­pe­cially pow­er­ful, con­tour-based image pro­cess­ing tools. There­fore, it lo­cates, checks and counts parts in any ro­tary po­si­tion. In so doing, it can trans­fer the part ori­en­ta­tion and po­si­tion via the in­ter­face. BVSE Uni­ver­sal reads bar and data ma­trix codes es­pe­cially quickly and pre­cisely. It re­li­ably checks up to 40 codes per sec­ond.

The fea­tures

  • Check­ing of part ori­en­ta­tion or po­si­tion re­duces ex­penses in part man­age­ment
  • Qual­ity con­trol also on parts with free ro­tary po­si­tion
  • Sim­ple chang­ing of the in­spec­tion task for chang­ing lots means high sys­tem avail­abil­ity
BVS E Universal
The range of applications for the BVS-E universal vision sensor ranges from assembly and presence checks, reading and verifying codes, through to challenging applications, such as the positioning of parts.

Greater security and precision by use of infrared light

BVS E Infrared vision sensor

Fluc­tu­at­ing light con­di­tions can im­pair the check­ing re­li­a­bil­ity of com­mon vi­sion sen­sors. At the same time, em­ploy­ees are often ir­ri­tated by their flash­ing light. Vi­sion sen­sors with in­frared light from Bal­luff pro­vide reme­dies: The in­frared light­ing of the BVS and In­frared vi­sion sen­sors is not vis­i­ble to hu­mans.

There­fore, its light pulses do not im­pair the em­ploy­ees. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, its firmly in­te­grated light fil­ter pre­vents am­bi­ent light from in­flu­enc­ing the test­ing of the ob­jects. Thus, the BVS E In­frared con­tributes to a higher process se­cu­rity.

The fea­tures

  • Dis­rup­tive out­side light is blocked
  • No dis­tur­bance of em­ploy­ees
  • Light in­ten­sity 10% higher than com­pa­ra­ble red light sen­sors
BVS E Infrared
The infrared illumination of the new BVS-E Infrared is invisible to the human eye so that its flashes do not irritate operators.

Greater security and precision by use of infrared light

BVS E Infrared vision sensor

Fluc­tu­at­ing light con­di­tions can im­pair the check­ing re­li­a­bil­ity of com­mon vi­sion sen­sors. At the same time, em­ploy­ees are often ir­ri­tated by their flash­ing light. Vi­sion sen­sors with in­frared light from Bal­luff pro­vide reme­dies: The in­frared light­ing of the BVS and In­frared vi­sion sen­sors is not vis­i­ble to hu­mans.

There­fore, its light pulses do not im­pair the em­ploy­ees. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, its firmly in­te­grated light fil­ter pre­vents am­bi­ent light from in­flu­enc­ing the test­ing of the ob­jects. Thus, the BVS E In­frared con­tributes to a higher process se­cu­rity.

The fea­tures

  • Dis­rup­tive out­side light is blocked
  • No dis­tur­bance of em­ploy­ees
  • Light in­ten­sity 10% higher than com­pa­ra­ble red light sen­sors
BVS E Infrared
The infrared illumination of the new BVS-E Infrared is invisible to the human eye so that its flashes do not irritate operators.

For tracking, quality control and for positioning tasks


The sim­ple to use Smart­Cam­era from Bal­luff of­fers you all the nec­es­sary func­tions for track­ing (trace­abil­ity), qual­ity con­trol and vi­su­ally solv­ing po­si­tion­ing tasks. The tasks (an­a­lyz­ing, find­ing, mea­sur­ing) can be in­di­vid­u­ally com­bined and the re­sults flex­i­bly trans­mit­ted.

The equip­ment in­cludes func­tions for the in­te­grated test prepa­ra­tion and in­spec­tion overview and sta­tis­tics. In ad­di­tion, you can di­rectly con­trol IO-Link prod­ucts. The Smart­Cam­era can be quickly in­te­grated into the se­quence with its easy, soft­ware-as­sisted op­er­a­tion. In ad­di­tion, you can cre­ate any test plan for using the cam­era more flex­i­bly.


  • Smart data man­age­ment for lim­it­ing the load on Profinet and Eth­er­net/IP
  • Sim­ple in­te­gra­tion in the pro­duc­tion en­vi­ron­ment via IO-Link con­nec­tion
  • Safe, cus­tomer-spe­cific re­sult man­age­ment for the con­troller or for the server
  • Ro­bust, in­dus­trial-grade de­sign
Tracking with the SmartCamera

79 Ratio Agency