Balluff BIS C Industrial RFID System

Balluff BIS C Industrial RFID System

Reliable information stream for manufacturing

Especially high-performing and flexible are the BIS C low-frequency RFID systems with the reliable tool identification in coolant- and lubricant-enriched machining centers. An exact positioning is not always necessary. Many data carriers can also be dynamically read and described “in passing”.

LF (70/455 kHz) is the first choice for the tool identification over short ranges. Other areas of use are tool transport with conveyor systems, FTS and pallet transport systems and the assembly technology and organization of supplies.

Key benefits

  • Great diversity of variants of data carriers and read/write heads for very diverse applications and difficult conditions of use
  • Wear-free, maintenance-free and insensitive to dirt
  • High interference resistance and secure data transfer via special testing software in the processor units available to all globally standard bus systems
  • Memory capacity up to 8 kbytes

System components

Reliable data exchange with the controller

BIS C processor unit

With our BIS V RFID proces­sor unit, you can si­mul­ta­ne­ously use up to four read/write heads per proces­sor units. Be­cause it is fre­quency-in­de­pen­dent, a mixed op­er­a­tion of all fre­quen­cies (BIS M, BIS L, BIS C, BIS U) can be made pos­si­ble. There­fore, only one type of proces­sor unit is nec­es­sary, this sim­pli­fies in­ven­tory man­age­ment. For an in­dus­try-in­de­pen­dent use, the proces­sor unit is avail­able with all glob­ally stan­dard bus sys­tems.

The fea­tures

  • Per­fect EMC due to the ro­bust zinc die-cast hous­ing
  • All con­nec­tions are eas­ily ac­ces­si­ble from the front
  • Vari­able mount­ing con­cept for easy as­sem­bly on top hat rails or on the pro­file
  • LCD dis­play and push­but­tons for sim­ple com­mis­sion­ing
  • Each read/write head sig­nals its op­er­at­ing state via two LEDs di­rectly on the proces­sor unit
  • In­te­grated IO-Link mas­ter port for the con­nec­tion of IO-Link-ca­pa­ble sen­sors and ac­tu­a­tors
  • Web server for con­ve­nient re­mote con­di­tion mon­i­tor­ing
  • Func­tion com­po­nents of many com­mon con­troller man­u­fac­tur­ers for fast use
  • In­te­grated 2-port Eth­er­net switch for line and ring topol­ogy
  • Small and com­pact (172 × 48 × 62 mm)
  • USB in­ter­face for rapid com­mis­sion­ing with­out bus link
  • BIS Cock­pit: Read/write head con­fig­urable in­de­pen­dent of in­ter­face with PC-based soft­ware tool
  • Power sup­ply via ro­bust 7/8″ plug for harsh in­dus­trial en­vi­ron­ments

Contactless bridging of air interfaces

BIS C Data Couplers

Data cou­plers from Bal­luff en­sure a max­i­mum de­gree of flex­i­bil­ity. They se­curely trans­mit the data via two air in­ter­faces. In so doing, they han­dle the con­tact­less bridg­ing of the two tran­si­tions in­stead of a fixed data trans­mis­sion.

The data cou­plers are gen­er­ally used where a dou­ble me­chan­i­cal in­ter­face is in­dis­pens­able, for ex­am­ple, with ro­tary ta­bles, re­place­able work­piece holder or grip­per arms. In this way, you can sim­plify your sys­tem de­sign and in­crease the sys­tem avail­abil­ity be­cause of fast con­tact­ing, such as in tool chang­ing.

The fea­tures

  • Data cou­plers work like an ex­ten­sion cable
  • Main­te­nance-free trans­mis­sion with­out me­chan­i­cal wear
  • Fast and se­cure sig­nal trans­mis­sion
  • Var­i­ous cable lengths: 1 m, 2 m and 5 m
  • Easy wiring of e.g. ro­tary ta­bles, ex­change­able punch heads,
  • In­crease in func­tional in­quiries, even in pre­vi­ously in­ac­ces­si­ble places

Information directly on the object – also in harsh environments

Data car­ri­ers ac­com­pany the work­pieces through the en­tire pro­duc­tion process. In this con­text, they are ex­posed to ex­treme con­di­tions such as high tem­per­a­tures, metal en­clo­sure or en­vi­ron­men­tal in­flu­ences.

Data car­ri­ers from Bal­luff with­stand the high re­quire­ments: They are in­sen­si­tive to in­ter­fer­ence in a metal en­clo­sure, high-per­form­ing in a re­frig­er­ant- and lu­bri­cant-rich en­vi­ron­ment and suit­able for use in de-ion­ized water in an au­to­clave and in a vac­uum.

The fea­tures

  • Va­ri­ety of spe­cial data car­ri­ers for nearly all areas of in­dus­try
  • Ro­bust, in­dus­trial-grade weather and tem­per­a­ture-re­sis­tant RFID data car­ri­ers
  • EEP­ROM data car­ri­ers with 511, 1023, 2047 byte mem­ory ca­pac­ity
  • FRAM data car­ri­ers with 8 kbytes for prac­ti­cally un­lim­ited read/write cy­cles
  • As­sem­bly pos­si­bil­i­ties: Ad­he­sion or screws
  • 10 mm tool-ID BIS C-122 data car­rier: The clas­sic used a mil­lion times is a global stan­dard
  • Key data car­rier with dou­ble coils avoids pal­let ro­ta­tions in the pal­let iden­ti­fi­ca­tion
  • Code car­rier pro­gram­ming ac­cord­ing to cus­tomer de­sire

Reliable even with poor lighting and under harsh conditions

Handheld devices

Our read/write de­vices are ide­ally suited for mo­bile read­ing and writ­ing of BIS C data car­ri­ers. They are used with man­ual qual­ity con­trol or in the doc­u­men­ta­tion of main­te­nance pro­ce­dures.

The data is trans­mit­ted via WLAN, Blue­tooth or cable-con­nected USB port. The hand­held de­vices are ex­pand­able with 1D or 2D bar­code read­ers. They de­liver re­li­able re­sults even with poor light­ing and under harsh con­di­tions.

The fea­tures

  • Win­dows CE® V6.0 op­er­at­ing sys­tem
  • Dif­fer­ent an­tenna vari­ants avail­able de­pend­ing on data car­rier se­lec­tion
  • Range de­pends on an­tenna vari­ant
  • Charg­ing power sup­ply and op­er­at­ing pin in­cluded in the scope of sup­ply
  • Base de­vice is the pow­er­ful Zebra Work­about Pro 4 Mo­bile Com­puter
  • Pre­in­stalled Bal­luff soft­ware (SDK – Soft­ware De­vel­op­ment Kit)
  • Touch­screen with large color dis­play
  • Op­tional ac­ces­sories: Dock­ing sta­tion and pis­tol grip for er­gonomic work­ing
  • Cus­tomer-spe­cific soft­ware on re­quest

Read/write heads for multiple applications

Read/write heads and antennas

Our ap­pli­ca­tion-spe­cific read/write heads in in­dus­trial-grade de­sign en­able easy in­te­gra­tion in the sys­tem. Their ro­bust hous­ings in pro­tec­tion type IP67 en­sure a re­li­able use even in harsh in­dus­trial en­vi­ron­ments.

De­pend­ing on the need, var­i­ous ver­sions with cable or plug con­nec­tion avail­able. Up to four read/write heads can be con­nected to BIS V proces­sor units. The read/write range de­pends on the com­bi­na­tion of read/write head and data car­rier that is used. This is ad­di­tion­ally in­flu­enced by the op­er­at­ing mode (sta­tic ver­sus dy­namic), the as­sem­bly ma­te­r­ial and the open zone for metal.

The fea­tures

  • Spe­cial tool ID read/write heads in Ø 14.5 mm or M16 for flush in­stal­la­tion in metal
  • Cable avail­able in 1 m, 5 m and 10 m
  • Cable can­not be cut to length; only in this way is func­tion­al­ity en­sured
  • BC­C0FCK con­nec­tion cable re­quired for con­nec­tion to the BIS V proces­sor unit
  • In­di­vid­ual cus­tomer de­signs pos­si­ble

Everything in one housing

Read heads with integrated processor unit

Our read heads with in­te­grated proces­sor unit com­bine every­thing in one hous­ing: An­tenna, elec­tron­ics and in­ter­face. For quick and easy data car­rier pro­gram­ming, you can use the free PC soft­ware BIS Cock­pit. It is also pos­si­ble to pro­gram the data car­rier via a proces­sor unit with a se­r­ial con­nec­tion and Bal­luff 007 pro­to­col.

The fea­tures

  • BIS C-60R: The eas­i­est read-only sys­tem for sim­ple ap­pli­ca­tions
  • Makes avail­able the 8-bit in­for­ma­tion in par­al­lel with­out ad­di­tional com­po­nents
  • 3 bytes per value are al­ways used start­ing with ad­dress 0
  • The re­main­ing bytes on the data car­ri­ers are also us­able for other pur­poses (with the cor­re­spond­ing proces­sor units)

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