Balluff Magnetic field sensors

Balluff Magnetic field sensors

Contactless and reliable detection

Magnetic field sensors are used chiefly on cylinders and grippers for monitoring the piston position. The sensor thus recognizes the field of the magnet integrated into the piston through the actuator wall.

With their contactless position detection, Balluff’s magnetic field sensors function reliably and wear free: No contact erosion, no bounce and only clean contact points. Even at high movement speeds, the piston position is reliably recognized.

The most important benefits

  • Contact-free and therefore wear-free
  • No double switching points
  • Reliable even at high movement speeds

Product families

Firm grip and high flexibility

Cylinder sensors for C-grooves

Our mag­netic cylin­der sen­sors for c-grooves dis­tin­guish them­selves with their par­tic­u­larly firm grip. They mount flush so that they are suit­able for space-crit­i­cal ap­pli­ca­tions. Since all of our sen­sors for C-grooves can be in­stalled from above, they also fit in those places where the groove ends are closed and lat­eral in­stal­la­tion is not pos­si­ble.

Bal­luff also of­fers ex­tremely short de­signs that per­fectly fit every grip­per and short-stroke cylin­der. The sen­sors de­tect pis­ton po­si­tion con­tact­lessly through the cylin­der walls. The sys­tem is adapt­able for cylin­ders and grip­pers as well as with strong and weak mag­nets.

The fea­tures

  • Re­li­able switch­ing be­hav­ior
  • Pre­cise switch­ing point
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
  • Low hys­tere­sis
Cylinder sensors for C-grooves
Cylinder sensors for C-grooves can mount flush so that they are also appropriate for space-critical use.

The reliable all-rounder for the harsh environment of metal processing

Cylinder sensors with metal housing

Our cylin­der sen­sors with metal hous­ing were cus­tom de­vel­oped for use in tough en­vi­ron­ments.

The mag­netic-field-sen­si­tive sen­sors are es­pe­cially ro­bust as re­gards weld­ing spat­ter and fly­ing sparks, as well as abra­sion. They with­stand high tem­per­a­tures to 105°C with­out prob­lems.

Our abra­sion-re­sis­tant sen­sors with W at­tri­bu­tion can dif­fer­en­ti­ate be­tween the mag­netic fields which can be used for po­si­tion­ing the pis­ton and the par­a­sitic al­ter­nat­ing mag­netic fields which sur­round the con­duc­tive lines for weld­ing. Weld­ing cur­rents to 25 kA can­not in­flu­ence the sen­sor’s func­tion­ing since the ini­tial state of the sen­sor is stored dur­ing weld­ing.

The fea­tures

  • Ro­bust metal hous­ing
  • Re­sis­tant to tem­per­a­tures of up to 105ºC
  • Im­mu­nity to mag­netic weld­ing in types with W at­tri­bu­tion
  • Exact po­si­tion recog­ni­tion even at high tem­per­a­tures
  • Re­li­able switch­ing process thanks to pre­cise switch­ing points
  • Wear free, since con­tact­less and with­out mov­ing parts
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt

The smallest cylinder sensors – especially for short-stroke cylinders

Bal­luff has de­vel­oped minia­ture cylin­der switches es­pe­cially for short-stroke cylin­ders and mini-grip­pers. Our mini-sen­sors are among the small­est on the mar­ket and have an exact switch­ing point. They thus guar­an­tee the high­est pre­ci­sion even with min­i­mal switch­ing paths.

The fea­tures

  • Re­li­able switch­ing process thanks to pre­cise switch­ing points
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
  • Firm grip
  • Mounts quickly
  • Vari­a­tions that con­nect to two sen­sors via only one plug
  • For BMF 103 with slid­ing block: With an ac­tive con­nec­tion, only a short groove length is re­quired (also avail­able with one plug for two sen­sors)
Product finder
The mini-sensors have an exact switching point. Even with the narrowest switching paths, the sensor thus provides the highest precision!

Versatile solutions for almost every operational area

Sensors for pneumatics and hydraulics

The cylin­der walls of pneu­mat­i­cally and hy­drauli­cally dri­ven ac­tu­a­tors and drive units are typ­i­cally pro­vided with grooves. The sen­sors which reg­is­ter the move­ment of the mag­netic pis­tons are mounted here.

Bal­luff of­fers mag­netic-field-sen­si­tive sen­sors for all cur­rent C- and T-grooves as well as adapter el­e­ments that per­mit re­li­able mount­ing of the sen­sors on rods, tubes and other shapes. For ex­am­ple, so­lu­tions for short-stroke cylin­ders in grip­per ap­pli­ca­tions – with a con­fig­u­ra­tion for two sen­sors on one plug. Or our minia­ture cylin­der switches which are among the small­est sen­sors on the mar­ket. They fea­ture an exact switch­ing point and as­sure re­li­able use even in short groove lengths.

The fea­tures

  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­li­able po­si­tion de­ter­mi­na­tion for all cur­rent cylin­der dri­ves
  • A small num­ber of basic types as­sures uni­ver­sal im­ple­men­ta­tion
  • Con­fig­u­ra­tions with fixed or ad­justable switch­ing points
  • All cur­rent switch­ing out­puts and con­nec­tion types
  • Con­fig­u­ra­tion with two sen­sors on one plug
  • IO-Link Ver­sions with max­i­mum op­er­at­ing range
  • Prod­uct fam­i­lies with flex­i­ble mount­ing sys­tems and adapters for a variety of mount­ing so­lu­tions

Secure mounting with mounting bracket and hose clamp

Our cylin­der sen­sors for round cylin­ders are se­curely in­te­grated into dif­fer­ent ap­pli­ca­tions with the ap­pro­pri­ate hose clamp and mount­ing bracket. The well thought-out mount­ing bracket con­cept is suit­able for most types of cylin­der up to 80 mm pis­ton di­am­e­ter. Pis­ton po­si­tion is reg­is­tered con­tact­lessly through the cylin­der wall.

The fea­tures

  • Up to 80 mm pis­ton di­am­e­ter
  • Re­li­able switch­ing process thanks to pre­cise switch­ing points
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
  • Firm grip
  • Mounts quickly
Cylinder sensors for round cylinders
For round cylinders with various diameters, Balluff offers different hose clamps and mounting brackets. With this, a variety of possibilities are available to best solve applications.

More flexibility and comfort through adjustable multiple switching points

Our cylin­der sen­sors for C- and T-grooves with ad­justable mul­ti­ple switch­ing points en­able quick in­te­gra­tion of pneu­matic and hy­draulic cylin­der dri­ves in ma­chine con­trol.

Mag­netic sen­sors with fixed switch­ing points must be man­u­ally placed on the de­sired switch­ing point and mounted in this po­si­tion. With our teach­able sen­sors, it is suf­fi­cient to place the sen­sor in the ap­prox­i­mate place and fix it there. The switch­ing point or switch­ing points are then de­fined with the teach but­ton” on the con­trol panel.

In the sim­plest case, two dif­fer­ent switch­ing points on the same cylin­der can be ad­justed. In the IO-Link ver­sion, it is pos­si­ble to de­fine and scan up to eight switch­ing points within the work area of the sen­sor. Using this, the sen­sors can, for ex­am­ple, rec­og­nize up to eight dif­fer­ent ob­ject sizes in one grip­per. In this man­ner, one sen­sor can re­place mul­ti­ple con­ven­tional sen­sors. This means sig­nif­i­cantly more com­fort for you and greater flex­i­bil­ity and cost sav­ings.

The fea­tures

  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • In­di­vid­ual in­stal­la­tion of the switch­ing points with­out tools
  • Ap­plic­a­ble for cylin­ders and grip­pers with ra­dial or axial mag­netic po­lar­iza­tion
  • Re­mote-Teach of up to 8 switch­ing points via IO-Link
  • Ad­justable hys­tere­sis for each in­di­vid­ual switch­ing point
  • Ex­tremely large, 60 mm travel path
  • Uni­ver­sally ap­plic­a­ble bracket for the teach-in mod­ule avail­able
  • Sta­tus in­di­ca­tion via mul­ti­ple col­ored LEDs
  • Cap­tive switch­ing points even dur­ing power out­age

Firm grip and high flexibility

Cylinder sensors for T-groove

Our mag­netic cylin­der sen­sors for T-grooves can be mounted di­rectly in the groove and are dis­tin­guished by their par­tic­u­larly firm grip. They mount flush so that they are suit­able for space-crit­i­cal ap­pli­ca­tions.

In ad­di­tion, Bal­luff of­fers ex­tremely short con­fig­u­ra­tions for flex­i­ble use pos­si­bil­i­ties. The sen­sors de­tect pis­ton po­si­tion con­tact­lessly through the cylin­der walls. The sys­tem is adapt­able for cylin­ders and grip­pers as well as with strong and weak mag­nets.

Thanks to the es­pe­cially bright LEDs, they re­li­ably rec­og­nize the switch­ing state of the sen­sor even at a large dis­tance. The cylin­der sen­sors for T-grooves are also avail­able in metal hous­ings for use in very harsh en­vi­ron­ments, for ex­am­ple with weld­ing spat­ter or fly­ing sparks. Or with mag­net-sen­si­tive elec­tron­ics for in­dus­trial en­vi­ron­ments with high weld­ing cur­rents.

The fea­tures

  • Re­li­able switch­ing process thanks to pre­cise switch­ing points
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
Cylinder sensors for T-groove
Cylinder sensors for T-grooves can mount flush so that they are also appropriate for space-critical use. There are also extremely short configurations which offer diverse installation possibilities.

For extreme applications up to 160 °C

Temperature-resistant sensors

Our tem­per­a­ture-re­sis­tant sen­sors are de­signed for tem­per­a­tures to 160 °C. The hous­ing as well as the cable con­struc­tion are op­ti­mized for higher tem­per­a­tures,with the elec­tron­ics com­pletely in­te­grated. Some vari­a­tions are avail­able as high pres­sure sen­sors which makes use even more flex­i­ble, there­fore you re­duce main­te­nance costs, in­crease your process qual­ity and op­ti­mize your sys­tem avail­abil­ity.

The fea­tures

  • No sens­ing dis­tance drift under tem­per­a­ture
  • Tem­per­a­ture ranges up to 160 °C avail­able
  • High de­gree of pro­tec­tion to IP68
  • Stain­less steel hous­ing 1.4571
  • Avail­able in dif­fer­ent mod­els and sizes
High temperature-resistant sensors
The ultra-high temperature-resistant inductive sensors can be used in temperature ranges up to +160 °C. These sensors are ideally suited to harsh environments in the steel industry, in plastic injection molding machines and in forging and foundry processes.

Classic mounting system for versatile use

Our cylin­der sen­sors for tie-rod cylin­ders can be re­li­ably in­te­grated into a va­ri­ety of ap­pli­ca­tions. This is en­sured by the mount­ing: The sen­sors are com­pletely tra­di­tion­ally mounted with mount­ing brack­ets on cylin­ders with tie rods and DUO rails. The well thought-out mount­ing bracket con­cept is suit­able for most cur­rent types of cylin­der with any pis­ton di­am­e­ter. Pis­ton po­si­tion is reg­is­tered con­tact­lessly through the cylin­der wall.

The fea­tures

  • Tie rod di­am­e­ter up to 17 mm
  • Re­li­able switch­ing process thanks to pre­cise switch­ing points
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
  • Firm grip
  • Mounts quickly
Cylinder sensors for tie-rod cylinders
Cylinder sensors for tie-rod cylinders can be mounted with mounting brackets on cylinders with tie rods and DUO rails. A variety of possibilities is available thanks to this classic mounting process.

Perfect hold in the cylinder slot

Com­pact mag­netic Global cylin­dri­cal sen­sors from Bal­luff are ac­cu­rately matched to the dif­fer­ent cylin­der groove forms and there­fore pro­vide an op­ti­mum hold. They can not only be in­stalled flush in the re­spec­tive slot, but also fit in com­pletely thanks to their per­fect fit.

The fea­tures

  • Com­pat­i­ble with nearly all com­mon types of nut, such as C- or T-nuts
  • Large choice of cable and con­nec­tor types
  • V-Twin® – one plug for two sen­sors
Reliable, wear-free position detection on all pneumatic cylinders

Firm grip and high flexibility

Our mag­netic cylin­der sen­sors for trape­zoidal grooves can be eas­ily mounted on the cir­cle with hold­ing brack­ets and adapters. The well thought-out mount­ing bracket con­cept is suit­able for most types of cylin­der with trape­zoidal groove or trape­zoidal guide. In ad­di­tion, we offer sen­sor vari­ants which fit di­rectly on a cylin­der with a 60° and 90° trape­zoidal groove with­out a mount­ing bracket. The sen­sors de­tect pis­ton po­si­tion con­tact­lessly through the cylin­der walls. The sys­tem is adapt­able for cylin­ders and grip­pers as well as with strong and weak mag­nets.

The fea­tures

  • Re­li­able switch­ing be­hav­ior
  • Pre­cise switch­ing point
  • Con­tact-free and there­fore wear-free
  • Re­sis­tant to dirt
Cylinder sensors for trapezoidal groove and trapezoidal guide
For trapezoidal grooves, Balluff has developed magnetic cylinder sensors which mount with mounting brackets onto the cylinder. In addition, we offer variations which fit directly on a cylinder with a 60° and 90° trapezoidal groove without a mounting bracket.

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